
Showing posts from 2017


Anyone in a challenging financial situation needs a long term wealth creation strategy as opposed to quick hits that people in such situations prefer. Sadly, whenever people are faced with financial difficulties, they are usually desperate and vulnerable to investment fraud. You need to get complete information before you take action. Don’t rush to promises of multiplying your money overnight or above market returns because you need quick suspicious of the situations where you have to handover all your money to another party who will return it with super-normal profits. It’s usually tempting to consider the easiest way out- borrowing to meet some of your debt obligations. Always resist taking more debt in times of financial uncertainty. Getting more debt is making a bad situation worse.

Leave office or office will leave you; Obasanjo tells Museveni

Leave office or office will leave you; Obasanjo tells Museveni “I believe whatever he has to do in terms of development, whatever ideas he has, he has he must have exhausted them by now, unless he has something new that we do not know,” 


Hi, my name is Kiiza David Maclaren a Petroleum and Natural Gas Graduate from Amity University Uttar Pradesh and today I'm going to be talking about the role of international law in governance of extractive industries focusing on international investment law. Now, in governance of extractive industries, while domestic law plays a crucial and often the most visible role, it's not the only area of law that governments and domestic stakeholders need to think about. International law, which can override and supplement domestic law, is also important when considering the mix of legal frameworks governing these projects. Now various aspects of international law can be relevant for shaping the impacts of an extractive industry project. Trade law under the World Trade Organization, for example, can require governments not to restrict exports of natural resources. International conventions on corruption impose obligations on governments to combat those offenses. And international hum...


In order to understand how natural resources are governed, you have to do political analysis at three different levels, the international, the national, and the policy level. We're not going to talk very much about the international level today. If you open a newspaper you can see how important it is. Natural resources have impacted foreign policies, conflicts, the global balance of power for centuries. We will spend most of our time talking about the national level, so this is within a given resource-rich country. I'm going to describe a few of the ways that natural resources affect politics. I'll introduce some of the effects that natural resource wealth has on a particular country. This is drawing on the political science literature about the natural resource curse. Now of course, there's nothing deterministic about these effects. Some countries exhibit them, and some countries don't. They also tend to be more prominent in countries where oil or mining really is...

The decision chain of natural resource management

The natural resources are the biggest opportunity for rapid development that many poor countries have. And the supercycle of the last ten years has been the biggest opportunity that they've had in history. And for most of them, it's been a missed opportunity. And so it's really important, society by society, to discover what went wrong and what is needed to be understood in order for next time to go better. And there will be a next time. So, I'm giving two lectures. One will look at the challenge of discovering natural resources, getting them out of the ground, and getting them into revenue. The next lecture will look at what you do when you've got revenues, turning them into something that is sustainable. Because the revenues themselves are only temporary. If we look at what went wrong during the supercycle, most of the problems occur in that second half. It's using revenues for sustained development. And so, of the two lectures I'm giving, the more import...