List of wealthiest people in Uganda

List of wealthiest people in Uganda
The per capita income in Uganda in 2012 was approximately US$490 annually. An estimated 25% of the 35,000,000 Ugandans live on less than US$1.00 per day. Under those circumstances, wealth accumulation that would not merit mention in wealthier communities attracts a lot of attention in Ugandan circles.
Compiled here is a list of individuals in Uganda whose accumulated assets are known to be markedly above the rest of the individuals in the country. The list is not exhaustive and net worth values are hard to determine.
The list is divided into seven classes of wealthy individuals:
  1. The New Money Class - Acquired their wealth within the last fifteen years.
  2. The Young Entrepreneurs - Less than fifty years old.
  3. The Executive Class - CEO's and Managing Directors of government departments and private firms.
  4. The Expatriates - Non-Ugandans (Some in this class may have dual citizenship).
  5. The Pastors - Pastors of Pentecostal churches are sometimes wealthy.
  6. The Old Money Class - These individuals inherited their wealth that has run in their families for generations.
  7. The Super Rich - Many individuals in this class would be classified as wealthy even in wealthy countries.
The names are arranged alphabetically in each class, using the first name to select rank.


The New Money Class

Sources of wealth

The Young Entrepreneurs

Sources of wealth
Investments, Finance, Cheman Group

The Executive Class

Sources of wealth

The Expatriates

Sources of wealth

The Pastors

Sources of wealth

The Old Money Class

Sources of wealth
Kakiase Enterprise Limited
Construction (Roko Construction Limited)
Construction (Roko Construction Limited)

The Super Rich

  1. Name
    Sources of wealth
    $400+ million
    Mukesh Shukla (Shumuk)
    US$1.1 billion


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