What causes cancer?
I am going to attempt to give the
shortest, best, detailed description of cancer ever written. ;-) Ready?! Here
Cancer is a breakdown in the integrity
of the signaling pathways in a group of cells. Signaling pathways are
collections of molecules that interact, working together in a sequence, that
lead to execution of different routines in your genetic program, to control
various cellular functions (e.g. cell division). Computer scientists can think
of “signaling proteins” as procedure calls (there is a hierarchical structure
to them, just as there is in a computer program).
Metaphorically, cancer is a
problem with a cell's accelerator and brake. The “accelerator” is the set of
signaling pathways that switch on cell growth (cell cycle progression). The
“brake” is the set of signaling pathways that instruct a cell to self-destruct
for the good of other cells (this is called “apoptosis”).
There are two types of signaling
proteins in cancer pathways: tumor suppressors and oncogenes (these are
normally called proto-oncogenes when they are functional, but I digress).
1. The distal impact a normal
TUMORE SUPPRESSOR is to INHIBIT cell GROWTH. (Distal impact means the net
effect, as opposed to the proximal, or immediate, impact on the signaling
2. The distal impact of a normal
There are two types of mutations
in pathways:
1. loss of function mutations
turn a node in a pathway OFF, and
2. gain of function mutations
result in the signal always being ON.
A Loss-of-Function mutation in a
tumor suppressor reduces the ability of a cell to inhibit growth (the brake
gets broken). A Gain-of-Function in an oncogene reduces the ability of a cell
to stop promoting growth (the accelerator gets locked on). These two types of
mutations, as they accumulate in a line of cells, lead normal cells down an
evolutionary path toward cancer.
There can be thousands of
mutations in any line of cancer cells, but usually there are only a dozen or so
“driver” mutations. Driver mutations are the key mutations pushing the
accelerator down (forcing cell cycle progression), and preventing the brake
from being applied (blocking the cell’s ability to recognize it is too damaged,
that its time is up and it needs to commit suicide).
Interestingly, any “cancer” is
genetically very heterogeneous. As a growing ball of tumor cells loses the
ability to spot the growing numbers of errors in the genome and get rid of
them, different sub-populations in that ball emerge and follow different
evolutionary paths. When you treat a “cancer” and “it” comes back, the main
reason that is frequently very bad news is because you have killed off the
“weak” cancers (you might say you have many cancers in that mass), making room
for the really tough bastards to feed off the previously more limited food
I think you can see where this is
The future of cancer treatment is
identifying which of the more common driver mutations you have (by sequencing
your “cancers”), and producing a “cocktail” of drugs that treat each of these
mutations and drive “them” into remission.
I am skipping over some of the
other pathways that contribute to cancer (e.g., metastasis and angiogenesis)
but I think you get the general idea.
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