Failures Of The United Nations Todate

Failures of the United Nations

  • UN opinion on Hungary and Czechoslovakia were ignored by the erstwhile Soviet Union in 1950s.
  • Israel had been taking unilateral action through decades in its geographical vicinity and nothing substantial has come out even by September 2010.
  • No emphatic role in crisis of worst kinds like the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam crisis etc.
  • UN was nowhere in the picture when the NATO rained bombs over former Yugoslavia.
  • Uni-polarity and unilateralism has shaken the relevance of the world body. Unilateral action in Iraq was bereft of UN sanction.
  • Failed to generate a universal consensus to protect the deteriorating worldclimate, even at Copenhagen in 2009.
  • Number of nuclear powers in the world has kept on increasing. UN Could not control the horizontal expansion and proliferation of weapons and arms.
  • Financial dependence on the industrialized nations has at times deviated UN from neutrality and impartiality.
  • The world body has failed to reflect the democratic aspiration of the world. Without being democratic itself, it talks of democratization of the world.
  • Aids is crossing regions and boundaries both in spread and intensity.
  • Domestic situation of near anarchy in Iraq and many regions of Afghanistan, despite on active UN. The US President scheme of withdrawal has not able to bring any specific solutions in the region. In fact, the situation has been further aggravated.
  • The UN totally exposed in the case of US invasion on Iraq in name for the search weapon of mass destruction. US has withdrawn its combat forces but the law and order and mutual distrust has worsened and at this juncture UN seems to be clueless.


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